[SailfishDevel] Question about Sensors in Sailfish OS

joao morgado joaodeusmorgado at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 10 22:56:11 UTC 2018

Hy devs
I'm working on a game where a spaceship movement is controlled by qml TiltSensor

- TiltSensor works native in a android mobile 
- That same apk file works in my intex aqua fish when installing it as android app
- compiling native to sailfish OS, the Tilt sensor doenst work, spaceship doenst move, sensor does not get active, why is that if it works in the apk ??????????

I solved my problem in sailfish OS by using a qml RotationSensor, it works nicely in Sailfish OS, but then it doenst work on the android mobile :(
So I have to use Qt.platform.os to check the plataform and load the apropriate sensor. Btw Qt.platform.os detects sailfish OS as a linux OS, it would be nice to have is own identifier.

Right now my problem is solved, but I'm just wondering what's all this mess with the sensors ?

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