[SailfishDevel] Getting simple XML to show on the emulator

Michael Fuchs michfu at gmx.at
Wed May 13 18:15:29 UTC 2015

Hi Jani,

As somebody else wrote: JSON is the native data format for QML.

I'm using XMLHttpRequest and JSON.parse() for my project.
Maybe this is something for you.


On Tuesday 12 May 2015 22:58:16 Jani Nuutinen wrote:
> I'm trying early on to familiarize myself with passing data to the phone
> from the Internet and just for starters I chose to use a simple XML-file to
> see if I could make something out myself. I do not know if using XML from
> Internet source is the simplest or the smartest method, but trying to
> follow the scarce tutorials about passing XML data didn't seem to be that
> challenging.
> Code:
> import QtQuick 2.0
> import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
> import QtQuick.XmlListModel 2.0
> Page{
>     id: root
>     XmlListModel{
>         id:noteXml
>         source:"http://www.w3schools.com/xml/note.xml"
>         query:"/note"
>         XmlRole{name: "body"; query: "body/string()"}
>     }
>     SilicaListView{
>          id:noteView
>          width: parent.width
>          height: parent.height
>          anchors.centerIn: parent
>          header: PageHeader{
>              title: "Note"
>          }
>          model:noteXml
>          }
>     }
> I've tried few other approaches but to me this seems the simplest
> method "coding wise". The app starts (in the emulator) as it should
> and without errors, showing the first page with *Note* as the title.
> But no matter how much I'd like the XML getting passed on to the phone
> screen from the provided URL it never does.
> So I'm wondering what am I missing that should be included to get such
> a simple thing working?
> Greetings
> Asmodeus

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