[SailfishDevel] Running application with customized environment using invoker

Andrey Kozhevnikov coderusinbox at gmail.com
Wed Apr 22 11:31:37 UTC 2015

In Qt Creator: Projects - Run - Run Environment 

22.04.2015 13:23, Dmitriy Purgin пишет:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to make a .desktop file that launches an application with 
> customized LANG environment variable. I came up with the following 
> .desktop file (irrelevant entries removed):
> [Desktop Entry]
> Type=Application
> X-Nemo-Application-Type=no-invoker
> Exec=app-launcher.sh
> app-launcher.sh is an executable bash script (irrelevant statements 
> removed):
> #!/bin/bash
> LANG=$LOCALE appbin
> This all works fine until I use the invoker. I've added invoker to 
> launcher script like this:
> #!/bin/bash
> LOCALE=ru_RU # real code has some checks to detect desired locale
> LANG=$LOCALE invoker --type=silica-qt5 appbin
> Now the app starts with specified locale but lipstick shows two 
> windows upon tapping on app icon: the first one appears immediately 
> upon launch, it shows loading indicator for some time, then 
> disappears. The second one is the actual app launched by invoker but 
> it is always minimized.
> I guess there's no way to modify environment in .desktop file.
> I've also taken a quick look at invoker sources and it seems it can't 
> modify the environment for the application to be boosted either.
> Can anyone please guide me if there is a way to do both: change 
> application environment and boost it with invoker?
> Thanks in advance!
> Cheers
> Dmitriy Purgin
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