[SailfishDevel] Include shared library

Reto Zingg reto.zingg at jolla.com
Fri Sep 12 07:43:21 UTC 2014


On 11.09.2014 21:15, Steffen Förster wrote:
> Hi
> I want to include two shared libraries in my RPM file and need some
> help. What is the proper configuration to include the libraries in the
> RPM. The libraries should be installed in the directory
> /usr/share/harbour-masterpassword/lib (harbour restriction). I have read
> the code of the project https://github.com/Elleo/cutespotify but I don't
> see the missing configuration lines.
> The application is executable but the RPM doesn't contain the shared
> libraries and the app uses the pre-installed libraries (harbour
> validation will fail).

It seem you are missing a (at least I didn't spot it...):


that would explain why it does not install the libs and are not in the rpm.

> The project code:
> https://github.com/steffen-foerster/harbour-masterpassword

I tried to compile your project, but seems out of the box it does not work.

Also the following you will need, to get it into Harbour:

You can find an other example, which ships it's own libraries and is in 
store here:


> Thanks,
> Steffen
> This is my configuration:
> harbour-masterpassword.pro
> ==============================
> LIBS+=$$PWD/libssl/lib/libssl.so.10\
> $$PWD/libssl/lib/libcrypto.so.10
> INCLUDEPATH += libssl/include/openssl
> QMAKE_RPATHDIR += /usr/share/harbour-masterpassword/lib
> lib.path = usr/share/harbour-masterpassword/lib/
> lib.files += libssl/lib/libssl.so.10 \
> libssl/lib/libcrypto.so.10
> harbour-masterpassword.spec
> ==============================
> # >> macros
> # list here all the libraries your RPM installs
> %define __requires_exclude ^libssl|libcrypto.*$
> # << macros
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