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Juha Kallioinen juha.kallioinen at jolla.com
Thu Jun 19 13:04:34 UTC 2014

On 19.06.2014 15:49, Chris Walker wrote:
> I bit the bullet and did an uninstall and a full reinstall having
> deleted the SailfishAlpha folder in my home folder directory structure.
> I'm now seeing lots of these errors in a Konsole window however :-
> kfilemodule(15749) KDesktopFile::isAuthorizedDesktopFile: Access to '
> "/home/chris/Sailfish_Git_Projects/GBG_Beertent/GBG_Beertent.desktop" '
> denied, not owned by root, executable flag not set.
> I didn't see them before the reinstallation.


looks like some component in KDE is looking at your project's desktop 
file and is trying to evaluate them (or something). I don't know if this 
is a big issue, although the extra warnings can be confusing. Those 
messages do not originate from the SDK code.

Out of interest, what is your linux distro and KDE version?

Best regards,

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