[SailfishDevel] Could not resolve the prototype ‘TextBaseItem’ of ‘TextBase’. (M301)

Andreas Heil dr.andreas.heil at gmail.com
Thu Jul 10 20:19:42 UTC 2014

Hi all,

I recently started developing for SailfishOS using the latest SDK on Mac OSX. 

Unfortunately, I encountered an issue trying to use the TextField control in QML. 

Qt creator shows a 

"Could not resolve the prototype ‘TextBaseItem’ of ‘TextBase’. (M301)" 

error. I meanwhile drilled down TextBase.qml where Qt Creator tells 

"Unknown Component. (M300)" 

Any hints on this issue are appreciated. At the moment I have no idea where to look at. Including QtQuick.Control 1.0 in the QML file did not work either as supposed in another thread of this mailing list. 


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