[SailfishDevel] Problems porting our game to Sailfish - welcome any advice

Robin Burchell robin+meego at viroteck.net
Thu Oct 24 18:49:21 UTC 2013


You probably don't want to hear this, but please note that QtWidgets
(which includes the QGraphicsView framework) is not really a supported
configuration on Sailfish. It may work, it may not. If it breaks, you
probably get to keep the pieces.

Even if it does work, you should keep in mind that performance will be
far from optimal, as you are going to be doing software rendering, and
on top of that, you'll use SHM buffers on the Wayland side, which is
going to be terrifically slow as IIRC it involves a full texture
upload to the GPU each time you redraw.

I also don't know whether our store intake rules will allow
widgets-using applications. I hope not, for reasons of suboptimal user
experience due to the above, for instance.

Anyway, that aside:
- Constantly redrawing is not a good idea, neither is assuming 60fps
(not all displays refresh at 60fps). You should use QWidget::update
when you need an update, and Qt will redraw as soon as it can.
- Your packaging looks wrong (you will need a PkgConfigBR on Qt5Widgets)
- I suggest that if you want more useful feedback, reducing your
application to a small, self-contained example demonstrating your
problem would be a good first step - if the problem is somewhere in
your code, often, going through this process will make you realise the
problem. Take a look at http://sscce.org/ for more information.

All the best,

On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 4:20 PM, Duncan Waugh
<duncan_waugh at hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I've started work porting our Qt-based game from Symbian over to Sailfish
> and I'm hitting a pretty major roadblock at the moment. It looks like I
> haven't set something up in the graphics system properly and would be very
> grateful for any help that anyone can provide.
> A brief outline:
> * The application uses the QGraphicsView framework. We set up the
> QGraphicsView object once at the start of the game and then replace the
> QGraphicsScene object at various points as the user moves through the
> application.
> * We have overriden the drawForeground() method within the QGraphicsScene
> objects and manually pass the QPainter object that we receive to the various
> elements of the UI, which use it to draw to the screen.
> * The QGraphicsView object is set not to update itself.  We have a timer in
> a manager class, which fires 60 times a second, from where we manually call
> repaint() on the QGraphicsView object.
> Current state:
> * All code has been tidied up to build under Qt5 and non-Sailfish
> components, such as Phonon, are currently #ifdeffed out.
> * On execution the game runs and moves through a couple of QGraphicsScenes,
> but only ever displays a white screen.  The calls to
> QGraphicsView::repaint() are ignored and the QDisplayScenes only have their
> drawForeground() methods called once, directly after instantiation.  Why we
> only get a white screen I'm also not sure.  This is all on the latest
> emulator.
> An excerpt from the log is shown below with basic class hierarchy:
> DisplayScene ->- QGraphicsScene
> BootupScene ->- DisplayScene
> TitleMenuScene ->- DisplayScene
> 0:    Using Wayland-EGL
> 1:    libpng warning: Malformed iTXt chunk
> 2:
> 3:    calling QGraphicsView::SetScene()
> 4:    DisplayScene::drawForeground  QRectF(1,1 538x958)
> 5:    BootupScene::UpdateNotification  52
> 6:    >>GameManager::FrameTimerTick - repaint
> 7:    <<GameManager::FrameTimerTick - repaint
> 8:    BootupScene::UpdateNotification  52
> 9:    >>GameManager::FrameTimerTick - repaint
> 10:   <<GameManager::FrameTimerTick - repaint
> 11:
> 12:   ...
> 13:
> 14:   >>GameManager::FrameTimerTick - repaint
> 15:   <<GameManager::FrameTimerTick - repaint
> 16:   BootupScene::UpdateNotification  51
> 17;   SWITCH
> 18:   >>GameManager::FrameTimerTick - repaint
> 19:   <<GameManager::FrameTimerTick - repaint
> 20:
> 21:   calling QGraphicsView::SetScene()
> 22:   >>GameManager::FrameTimerTick - repaint
> 23:   TitleMenuScene::drawForeground
> 24:   DisplayScene::drawForeground  QRectF(1,1 538x958)
> 25:   <<GameManager::FrameTimerTick - repaint
> 26:   >>GameManager::FrameTimerTick - repaint
> 27:   <<GameManager::FrameTimerTick - repaint
> 28:
> 29:   ...
> 30:
> 31:   >>GameManager::FrameTimerTick - repaint
> 32:   User requested stop. Shutting down...
> 33    <<GameManager::FrameTimerTick - repaint
> As you can see when the GameManager calls QGraphicsView repaint() we don't
> get any calls to the Scenes' drawForeground().
> The setup code for the QGraphicsView is:
> 0:    setScene(iScene);
> 1:    setOptimizationFlags(QGraphicsView::IndirectPainting);
> 2:    setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
> 3:    setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
> 4:    setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
> 5:    setCacheMode(QGraphicsView::CacheBackground);
> 6:    setViewportUpdateMode(QGraphicsView::NoViewportUpdate);
> 7:    resize(iScreenWidth, iScreenHeight);
> 8:    viewport()->setAttribute(Qt::WA_AcceptTouchEvents);
> I'm assuming the issue is either here or that I have incorrectly set up the
> configuration files for Sailfish.  Here's our main.cpp file:
> MyApplication ->- QApplication
> 0:    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
> 1:    {
> 2:        MyApplication a(argc, argv);
> 3:
> 4:        QWidget* screen = QApplication::desktop()->screen();
> 5:        GameManager w(screen->width(), screen->height(), a);
> 6:        return a.exec();
> 7:    }
> I based the Sailfish installation files off of the sample application, it's
> possible I made an error here.
> Yaml:
> 0:    Name: PuzzleStones
> 1:    Summary: My SailfishOS Application
> 2:    Version: 0.1
> 3:    Release: 1
> 4:    Group: Qt/Qt
> 5:    License: LICENSE
> 6:    Sources:
> 7:    - '%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2'
> 8:    Description: |
> 9:      Short description of my SailfishOS Application
> 10:   Configure: none
> 11:   Builder: qtc5
> 12:   PkgConfigBR:
> 13:   - sailfishapp
> 14:   - Qt5Quick
> 15:   - Qt5Qml
> 16:   - Qt5Core
> 17:   Requires:
> 18:   - sailfishsilica-qt5
> 19:   Files:
> 20:   - '%{_bindir}'
> 21:   - '%{_datadir}/%{name}/qml'
> 22:   - '%{_datadir}/applications/%{name}.desktop'
> 23:   - '%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/90x90/apps/%{name}.png'
> 24:   - /usr/bin
> 25:   - /usr/share/PuzzleStones
> 26:   - /usr/share/applications
> 27:   - /usr/share/icons/hicolor/90x90/apps
> Spec:
> 0:    #
> 1:    # Do NOT Edit the Auto-generated Part!
> 2:    # Generated by: spectacle version 0.27
> 3:    #
> 4:
> 5:    Name:       PuzzleStones
> 6:
> 7:    # >> macros
> 8:    # << macros
> 9:
> 10:   %{!?qtc_qmake:%define qtc_qmake %qmake}
> 11:   %{!?qtc_qmake5:%define qtc_qmake5 %qmake5}
> 12:   %{!?qtc_make:%define qtc_make make}
> 13:   %{?qtc_builddir:%define _builddir %qtc_builddir}
> 14:   Summary:    My SailfishOS Application
> 15:   Version:    0.1
> 16:   Release:    1
> 17:   Group:      Qt/Qt
> 18:   License:    LICENSE
> 19:   Source0:    %{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
> 20:   Source100:  PuzzleStones.yaml
> 21:   Requires:   sailfishsilica-qt5
> 22:   BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(sailfishapp)
> 23:   BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(Qt5Quick)
> 24:   BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(Qt5Qml)
> 25:   BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(Qt5Core)
> 26:   BuildRequires:  desktop-file-utils
> 27:
> 28:   %description
> 29:   Short description of my SailfishOS Application
> 30:
> 31:
> 32:   %prep
> 33:   %setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}
> 34:
> 35:   # >> setup
> 36:   # << setup
> 37:
> 38:   %build
> 39:   # >> build pre
> 40:   # << build pre
> 41:
> 42:   %qtc_qmake5
> 43:
> 44:   %qtc_make %{?_smp_mflags}
> 45:
> 46:   # >> build post
> 47:   # << build post
> 48:
> 49:   %install
> 50:   rm -rf %{buildroot}
> 51:   # >> install pre
> 52:   # << install pre
> 53:   %qmake5_install
> 54:
> 55:   # >> install post
> 56:   # << install post
> 57:
> 58:   desktop-file-install --delete-original       \
> 59:     --dir %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications             \
> 60:      %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/*.desktop
> 61:
> 62:   %files
> 63:   %defattr(-,root,root,-)
> 64:   %{_bindir}
> 65:   %{_datadir}/%{name}/qml
> 66:   %{_datadir}/applications/%{name}.desktop
> 67:   %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/90x90/apps/%{name}.png
> 68:   /usr/bin
> 69:   /usr/share/PuzzleStones
> 70:   /usr/share/applications
> 71:   /usr/share/icons/hicolor/90x90/apps
> 72:   # >> files
> 73:   # << files
> Thank you for reading and I hope someone can help point us in the right
> direction.
> Best regards,
> Duncan
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