[SailfishDevel] Fwd: Re: Re: How to get contacts and sms through Qt(C++)

Bernd Wachter bernd.wachter at jolla.com
Tue Dec 24 22:13:32 UTC 2013

<christopher.lamb at thurweb.ch> writes:

> Hi Bernd
> Thanks, I am aware of that, but I think it is an inelegant solution,
> acceptable ad interim as a workaround, but not longterm.

Allowing arbitrary applications to send SMS brings a big cost risk for
the user, due to all the premium SMS services out there -> it'll only be
possible once we enforce proper application permissions.

> My app is designed for emergency use, must be easy to use as possible,
> and therefore I require a larger send button. I know from personal
> experience that trying to operate a mobile when it is wet and below
> zero degrees is not easy (at the very edge of the capabilities of
> touch screen technology).

Can you describe what exactly you're trying to do? 


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