[SailfishDevel] unsupported QML plugins in Harbour

Aaron McCarthy aaron.mccarthy at jolla.com
Thu Dec 5 00:38:31 UTC 2013


On Wed, 4 Dec 2013 14:38:55 Filip Kłębczyk wrote:
> I've made that mistake that I've used org.nemomobile.dbus QML plugin in
> my app and that is unstable API so not allowed in Harbour. What is the
> recommended solution? Do I have to copy sources of that plugin into my
> own app project?

That is one possible solution. Doing so will require you to fulfil the 
requirements of its license (LGPL 2.1).

I, however, would recommend using QtDBus to implement a class with the 
required functionality and provide a suitable interface for access it from 


Aaron McCarthy

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