[SailfishDevel] TextField Silica Component's placeholderText property doesn't work

Superpelican superpelican at zoho.com
Sat Apr 27 17:03:43 UTC 2013

Hello fellow mailing list members,

I'm reasonably new to programming and Qt/QML.
I know the basics of C++ and QML. And I'm
trying to create simple Sailfish OS QML/C++ app.

I've already written a CLI version of my application in C++
that contains the logic. So I will use that code as base for my Saifish app.

I'm now creating the QML/Silica UI and the UI includes a single line TextField component for entering integers. However I noticed that placeholderText isn't shown, which makes it almost impossible for the user to see theTextField. When I set the text property of the TextField I can however see the text in the emulator. The relevant code basically looks like this:

 x: parent.Center
 y: 100
 focus: true
 placeholderText: "Please enter the answer here"
 InputMethodHints: Qt.ImhDigitsOnly

Also it seems that the InputMethodHint also doesn't work: I just get a general keyboard. No special digits only keypad, it doesn't even start on the number/special character tab of the keyboard.

Are these things Silica Component bugs?
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