[SailfishDevel] Scroll horizontal

Rudi Timmermans rudi.timmer at gmx.us
Thu Jun 11 11:44:39 UTC 2015

Hi Andrey,

Ok i have try it but now i can not open anymore my chat window.

If you can give me a hint what i change as the best i would love it 
thanks for that !

This i have into my code as messenger.js


         var  meta  =  document.createElement('meta');

         meta.setAttribute('name',  'viewport');

         if  (screen.width  <=  540)

           meta.setAttribute('content',  'width=device-width/1.5,  initial-scale='+(1.5)+',  maximum-scale='+(1.5)+',  user-scalable=no');

         else  if  (screen.width  >  540  &&  screen.width  <=  768)

           meta.setAttribute('content',  'width=device-width/2.0,  initial-scale='+(2.0)+',  maximum-scale='+(2.0)+',  user-scalable=no');

         else  if  (screen.width  >  768)

            meta.setAttribute('content',  'width=device-width/3.0,  initial-scale='+(3.0)+',  maximum-scale='+(3.0)+',  user-scalable=no');


             meta.setAttribute('content',  'width=device-width,  initial-scale=1.0,  maximum-scale=1.0,  user-scalable=no');


         console.log("inserte  meta");


Into my messenger.qml i have this:

Page  {

     id:  page
     SilicaWebView  {

         url:  "https://www.messenger.com/login"
         anchors.fill:  parent
         overridePageStackNavigation:  true
         experimental.preferences.developerExtrasEnabled:  true
         experimental.userStyleSheet:  Qt.resolvedUrl("helper/messenger.css")
         experimental.userScripts:  [
         experimental.preferences.navigatorQtObjectEnabled:  true
         experimental.preferences.fullScreenEnabled:  true
         experimental.preferences.offlineWebApplicationCacheEnabled:  true
         onTitleChanged:  {     

Best regards!

Rudi Timmermans.

Andrey Kozhevnikov schreef op 11/06/15 om 13:30:
> I mean webpage viewport size. when you using QML WebView server detect 
> it as mobile client and setting webpage width to your device screen 
> width, and you can't scroll.
> 11.06.2015 16:28, Rudi Timmermans пишет:
>> Hi Andrey,
>> Can you tell me where i can change this as best into the code please ?
>> I'm nit shure i understand this corectly sorry...
>> ---
>> Best regards!
>> Rudi Timmermans.
>> Andrey Kozhevnikov schreef op 11/06/15 om 13:22:
>>> It should scroll if viewport width is higher than webview width.
>>> 11.06.2015 16:20, Rudi Timmermans пишет:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> As i'm start with coding for Sailfish OS, i have some idea but i 
>>>> can not figer it out how i can fix this into the code.
>>>> I have made a Facebook Messenger with the www.messenger.com webpage 
>>>> build into the app, now i like to have that users can scroll 
>>>> horizontal to see older message into the chat window, the same as 
>>>> on the webpage when you have open it into the browser...
>>>> I have search and search for examples how to code this but i can 
>>>> not found anything and i can found it out how i need to code it.
>>>> You can find all the messenger sources here:
>>>> messenger.css
>>>> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8QiRsNYbAIqMFhqOHExVDBFdGM&authuser=0
>>>> messenger.js
>>>> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8QiRsNYbAIqbk9GbEZNWmpaWWc&authuser=0
>>>> messengerpage.qml
>>>> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8QiRsNYbAIqTGF1NDYzSGRQRlE&authuser=0
>>>> Thanks guys for the helps !!!
>>>> -- 
>>>> ---
>>>> Best regards!
>>>> Rudi Timmermans.
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