[SailfishDevel] qt5 ?

miketechn at gmail.com miketechn at gmail.com
Fri May 23 19:43:03 UTC 2014


> Developing with QtQuick in Qt 5 should be quite close to Qt 4. However, you
> won't be able to develop apps like on Symbian or the N9. The API used on
> SailfishOS for their UI components is called Silica, and you have the 
> documentation here:
> https://sailfishos.org/sailfish-silica/

I've studied and used a little 'silica', but I must say that I'm not crazy about the graphical result.
I don't like very much the transparencies and the general look&feel.
Mostly because I'm a QML noob, in fact I like it on the phone OS
but not on my applications.

So I prefer to declare:
import QtQuick 2.0
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0

and then use solid, filled squares all around :) (Rectangles and MouseArea for buttons)

Hey please don't disable the possibility to 'bypass' silica themes! :)

Here is a simple example of what I mean: http://pastebin.com/aVSnpBi3

Btw, does someone have experience in 'porting' a sailfish based QML application to Android ?

Thanks for supporting, wish you all a nice week-end!

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