[SailfishDevel] What processor do you have in your SailfishOS SDK machine?

Carsten Munk carsten.munk at jolla.com
Tue Dec 2 10:08:09 UTC 2014

We're due to the tablet program looking into optimizing SailfishOS a 
little better on the Intel X86 side of things. It's currently optimizing 
for -march=i486 :)

Because that may have implications on what machines the SailfishOS SDK 
emulator will run on and build engine, we'd like to know what kind of 
setups you have running SailfishOS SDK.

Send me a direct mail - NOT on this mailing list with answers to:

0) Linux (what distribution+version), MacOS X (what version?) or Windows 
(which windows?)
1) Running a 32 or a 64 bit operating system?
2) VT virtualization technology or not?
3) What processor is in your PC?
- Windows: http://www.cpuid.com/ may be able to help on Windows
- Mac: About This Mac
- Linux: Output of /proc/cpuinfo if you're on Linux, one processor is enough

Based on that we'll decide what lowest common denominator should be.

Carsten Munk

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