[SailfishDevel] Daemons in app store. And/or other ways of getting activated on event/schedule

Artem Marchenko artem.marchenko at gmail.com
Sat Dec 28 22:10:00 UTC 2013

Hi All

If I read Harbour FAQ correctly, you are not allowed to install daemons (as
you are not allowed to write to /etc/init.d). Okay, hacks are probably
possible (app could try modifying /etc/init.d at runtime), but I guess
putting daemons under strict control is Jolla's intention.

What would then be a way to run an app periodically or on some events?
For example I am thinking about changing ambience on schedule or on every
device unlock. An offline together.jolla.com client could like to
synchronize posts in background.

What would be the sailfish way to do it?
- Harmattan-like hooking to alarm clock scheduler?
- iOS-like wake up on server notification?
- BlackBerry10-like registering to specific events via specific API?
- Linux-like permission to install daemons?
- Harmattan/iOS-like wake up of all network needing apps simultaneously
once in a while?
- Something completely different?

Best regards,

Artem Marchenko
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