[SailfishDevel] Battery life without The other half Daemon running
Jani Kotakoski
jani.kotakoski at univie.ac.at
Mon Dec 23 10:29:56 UTC 2013
Dear Annika,
can you please tell me how to properly close the daemon? Killing it doesn't help -- it respawns automatically.
// Jani
"A. Wickert" <sailfish at penguinfriends.org> kirjoitti:
> Hi everybody,
> I read this article today:
> http://reviewjolla.blogspot.com/2013/12/jolla-battery-life-power-consumption.html
> And now I trying to measure the difference with "tohd" on and off. I
> am
> using powertop to get the amount of power consumed by the phone.
> - With tohd on, wlan on, screen off, logged in via SSH - 982mW
> - With tohd off, wlan on, screen off, logged in via SSH - 552mW
> This is a great difference I think.
> Best regards,
> Annika
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> SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
Dr. Jani Kotakoski.
Email: jani.kotakoski at iki.fi
Sent from a Jolla. Please excuse for brevity.
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