[SailfishDevel] Emulator: Mouse pointer not visible

Jarko Vihriala jarko.vihriala at jolla.com
Sun Dec 8 19:29:13 UTC 2013

Well we have seen on-site one setup like this where user had manually modified VBox settings and thus causing mouse to non-work.

However, let's try to solve this first of all
a)what it the distro ?
b)do you have started the VBox kernel drivers on host?
c)have you tested other VBox machines
d)does dmesg / syslog / journalcrtl reveal any errors?

thanks, Jarko
From: devel-bounces at lists.sailfishos.org [devel-bounces at lists.sailfishos.org] on behalf of Uwe Koch [asys3 at yahoo.com]
Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2013 10:38 AM
To: devel at lists.sailfishos.org
Subject: [SailfishDevel] Emulator: Mouse pointer not visible


quite disappointing for me - can't catch the mouse inside the Sailfish SDK emulator.
Nothing to see - so no clicking and dragging ;-(

Installed latest Virtualbox environment - both in KDE and Linux Mint.
Any help how to see where the problem is?

Can't find anything in virtualbox forums - so ask here if anyone has same problem!

Best regards,

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