[SailfishDevel] Cellular network information

AL13N alien at rmail.be
Thu Dec 5 19:44:49 UTC 2013

Sorry to interrupt here, but

this kind of thing is what i would like to have secure in the future...
for any group of apps to run in a different user and have some kind of
deny by default access levels, which can still be overrided by user and/or
jolla (or packaging)

in order for apps not being able to do that, except if they have permission,

perhaps dbus is linked with some kind of policykit which could grant or
deny such calls...

if possible i would urge even if you do not want it in the store to adhere
as much as possible to some kind of conventions (preferably also store

I'm sorry to have interrupted, and i also wish to state that i'm not a
sailfish dev, nor do i have a device, but i do am fond of security and
would prefer for everyone to keep security in mind a bit.

> Hi,
> It depends on if you want your app in the store or not.
> You could use QtDbus to query the connman and ofono interfaces, much like
> connman-qt and libqofono to get this information.
> If you don't mind not being in the store, QtSystemInfo's QtNetworkInfo is
> on the device, or you could use libconnman-qt and libqofono themselves.
> Hope this helps!
> On 05/12/2013, at 10:40 PM, Jukka Heikkilä <jutsco at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'd like to get some cellular network information to my app. Is there
>> this kind of class like in Harmattan's QSystemNetworkInformation
>> (http://harmattan-dev.nokia.com/docs/library/html/qtmobility/qsystemnetworkinfo.html)?
>> I'm looking forward to get Cell ID  etc. information.
>> I'm quite new with Qt so I hope some of you could provide my a short
>> example if there is a solution to get that kind of information.
>> Regards,
>> Jukka
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> Lorn Potter
> QtSensors/ Connectivity
> llornkcor technologies / Jolla Mobile
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